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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
May 11, 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, Wilson and Wright (joined by phone at 6:10pm)
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm

Commissioner Hovious requested to add “Correspondence” to the agenda noting that he received a information from George Ferguson regarding a Newtown High School Sophomore student seeking community service credit.  He will find out more about the student’s interests and inform the student of the needs of the commission (invasive plant removal, etc.).  A memo from P & Z was received regarding the POCD, requesting Conservation Commission goals by June 15th, 2010.  Also, a letter from Milone & MacBroom was received regarding Bill Root’s attendance at this meeting.

  • Public Participation – Bill Root from Milone & MacBroom (regarding item V7).
II.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of April 27, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

III.    Old Business – Action Items

  • Commission Critical Work Matrix (Mission Statements) –  The commissioners reviewed the Critical Work Matrix.  The mission statements were submitted for Open Space Care and Maintenance and for Acquisition Strategies Subcommittees.  The remaining mission statements are to be submitted at the next meeting.  The concerns over the proliferation of invasives and overseeing the conservation easements were discussed as well.
  • Duck Day Plans –  Commissioner Cramer will contact the Lions to confirm a spot.  Ms. Hazen will bring the materials to the event.
3.      Status of the Forest Report Recommendations – Commissioner Wilson’s report is summarized as follows:  As part of care and maintenance responsibilities for open space parcels, it has become evident that a program to assess their health is appropriate. Forest fragmentation, overgrowth with invasives, limited light due to overgrown canopy, and deer browse are some of the issues that face forested areas. Recommendations as a starting point for addressing the above issues include (a) Contract with a forester to assess all larger open space parcels, gather information about professional needs, costs, a possible qualified volunteer, research what NFA has done, etc.; (b) Develop a priority list of parcels based on criteria, i.e., the seriousness of any problems, the likelihood of a positive outcome, current and potential public use of the area, support from the Town, and need for equipment access; (c) Develop a forest management plan for selected OS parcels; (d) Continue to lead and support efforts to reduce invasive plants through on-going activities and support of town Invasive Species Task Force (Mile-A-Minute, etc.); (e) Discourage further fragmentation of our forested lands when opportunities arise.  Subcommittee (Commissioners Kaley, Cramer and Wilson) will further research and provide a list of ten or twenty appropriate properties that may benefit from logging.  Some contacts to consider were the Yale School of Forestry, Dr. Williams from UConn, Dan Holmes, Sara Middeleer, and other Town tree experts.

  • Charter Revision for More Conservation Commission Members –.The commission decided not to immediately pursue this.
  • New Business
  • Advanced Fusion Project – The Inland Wetlands Commission will be accepting Advanced Fusion System’s Inland Wetlands application on their May 12th, 2010 meeting.  Commissioner Hovious will attend the meeting.
2.      Freedom Lawns – Commissioner Wilson forwarded information regarding the possibility of starting an initiative about organic lawn care methods as a way to protect water resources in town.  Roxbury CC offered a seminar on Freedom Lawns, but in research, Commissioner Wilson noted that is another resource which offers a number of instructive short videos.  Commissioner Wilson will contact Kendra at The Bee regarding a brief article and will pass this information on to the lakes’ authorities.

V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Tech Park Revised Plans and Maps –  An Inland Wetlands Application for the Tech Park will be accepted at their May 12th, 2010 meeting.  

  • Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress –  Commissioners Hovious and Kaley will be meeting with Rob Sibley and Tammy Hazen to review the open space filing system and database.
  • Next Property Marking Plans – The next property to be marked is the Hawleyville open space on May 25th at 9:00 am.  The commission is waiting to hear what properties have been marked by CCA.
  • Ferris Farm Sign Status – Commissioner Wright will contact Mr. Currier next week regarding the stone monument for the sign.  
  • Open Space in Hawleyville – The property will be marked (see item c.)
  • Taunton Lake Status – The commission discussed the sign that needs to be ordered and installed.  A copy of the “Plan for use of Taunton Lake Open Space” document dated 9/11/08 was distributed.  Commissioner Barkman said there have been efforts made in pulling Milfoil from the lake, but more collaborative efforts are needed.
2.      Board of Selectmen Meeting (Proposed Draft Ordinance for Tax Abatement and Queen Street Open Space) – Rob Sibley and Commissioner Wilson attended the Board of Selectmen meeting on May 3rd.  The Board voted to send the draft ordinance for tax abatement on to the Legislative Council and then voted to designate the three parcels on Queen Street as Open Space, with the Board of Selectmen having the authority to modify, amend and enforce.  The commissioners will ask Mr. Sibley to send them a copy of the conservation easement language that was voted on and approved.

3.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Saturday, May 15, 2010 Workshop on Invasives – Posters for ”Aliens Invade Newtown” seminar have been placed around town.  This workshop will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at the Newtown Municipal Center with the following speakers: Logan Senack, Connecticut Invasive Plant Coordinator at UConn and CT DEP; and Carole Cheah, Ph.D., Research Entomologist with CT Agricultural Experiment Station.

  • Invasives Working Committee – Rob Sibley will provide an orientation meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 3:30 pm in the Land Use Office for invasive plant removal volunteers.  The next work group will be held at Deep Brook/Al’s Trail on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 1:00 pm. Commissioner Wilson will type the volunteer list and forward it to the commissioners.  It was noted that funding has been provided for the Mile-a-Minute reduction, as per Ann Astarita.
c.      Aquifer Presentations – High School Students, Rachel Divanno and Samantha Steimle, will be helping with the Aquifer presentation on Friday, May 14, 2010 at Head o’ Meadow School.  A training session will be held on Thursday at the high school.

5.      Al's Trail Commissioner Barkman discussed the stenciling of the rooster onto trees as boundary markers, using yellow acrylic paint.  Parks and Rec have promised to help one day per month.  It was noted that invasives are closer to where people travel and that it may be beneficial to go into the woods where there are less, and cut the invasives there first and then work back towards the trails or populated areas.

6.      Trail Proposal Format and Pole Bridge Trail – The commission is waiting for the survey.

  • Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – Bill Root from Milone & MacBroom was present to discuss their progress and noted that they expected to do the field work in the Fall but could not due to the weather.  He noted that there are three in house people assigned to work in the field and will work through June.  A report will be provided by mid July.  
Commissioner Barkman motioned to go into Executive Session.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.